Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hockney assignment

This is part of my modest collection of 19th century military handguns. It includes a C-96 Mauser, bottom left (that's 1896), a Russian Imperial Nagant, upper right, a French 8mm Lebel Revolver, bottom right, and a Webley VI (which is technically an early 20th century variation of the 19th Century design). In fact, it is pretty much all of my collection of 19th century military handguns. Getting ammo for the three revolvers is a bit of fun. The Mauser fires a standard 9mm cartridge.

Hockney assignment

This is a valley oak tree east of Hwy 99 near the Stockton airport. It just sits out all by itself in the middle of a very large field, just asking to have its picture taken. I have obliged on more than one occasion.

Hockney assignment

This is me. Devilishly handsome fellow, aren't I? I set up the camera with an electric trigger, focused on a target on the wall behind me and shifted to manual focus. I then moved the camera back exactly 2 feet and put a mark 2 feet away from the wall in front of the target, and took the target down. I then took a picture, turned, took a picture, turned a bit more, and on and on. I took some with a hat, some with glasses, some with neither. Vicious looking dragon on the T-shirt too.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Assignment 1 #4

This was shot in my back yard looking at the back door into my bedroom. The round stained glass dragon, the dreamcatcher, the bars of the security door and the basic layout made an interesting image (IMHO).

Assignment 1 #3

This was also shot near the downtown cineplex in beautiful crimeridden Sstockton.

Assignment 1 #2

This was also shot near the downtown Stockton cineplex.

Assignment 1 # 1

This was shot near the downtown Cineplex.